“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”

While the last year forced most of us to stay home and live without our personal trainers and gyms, the new year has finally begun. As people started stepping out trying to get back to their old daily lives, one couldn’t help but wonder about the empty gyms. However, you will be surprised to find out that the world of fitness has evolved and transformed to adapt to the new normal of 2021.

If you are wondering about the latest fitness trends for you to jump right back in then read ahead!

  • Coaching Goes Virtual

With gyms and fitness centres shut, fitness experts were inspired to turn to virtual platforms for conducting classes. Initially people were apprehensive about this transition but as the months passed by, more and more people started getting the hang of it, some even enjoying these virtual classes more than the physical ones of the past.

As 2021 began, the popularity of virtual coaching soared higher making waves in the world of fitness. Dan Caesar, a fitness expert from Australia believes that beyond the sheer convenience of such sessions, these are also less intimidating for beginners. Moreover, personal trainers do not even require a physical space to conduct such classes.

  • Productive Workout Regimes For The Mind

The unparalleled events of the year before has taught most of us the importance of mental health and the necessity of boosting our mind-body connection. During this period of uncertainty, the popularity of mindful exercises like yoga and meditation have increased tremendously.

A fitness expert from Australia pointed out that people have become extremely conscious about their health and have realized the importance of a pragmatic fitness schedule now. It’s almost like people spent a lot of time stuck within four walls and started appreciating the importance of movement, deciding to take up a sport post lockdown in many cases.

  • Fitness Apps For Minimal-Equipment Workout

As more and more people turned toward virtual training sessions and working out at home, the lack of space was the natural problem that cropped up for many who were working out at home. Yes working out at home is convenient and cost-effective but the lack of equipment and space were the only obstacles for many.

However, technology always has a solution and people simply turned to exercise apps for guidance. Asana Rebel, Nike Training Club, Nike Run Club and Daily Yoga are amongst a few free apps that you can install anytime for fitness tips, workout regimes, customized plans and plenty of daily motivation to keep you going, even from home.

If there is one thing 2020 taught us that was the importance of prioritizing your health over everything else. Naturally, this year people are more health-conscious, opting for personal trainers and curated fitness sessions.

For instance, fitness experts from Australia like the extremely efficient Dan Caesar stresses the importance of fitness in our daily lives – fitness is not just good for your body but definitely for your mind as well. If you are still undecided about finding a personal trainer or joining a fitness class, you should not waste time and join a class today!

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