The first few months of a new year is always the favourite time of the year for the fitness industry. While most of us are still bathing in the post-holiday warm fuzzies or battling winter blues, fitness centres and gyms get busy throwing membership offers and forms like Christmas confetti. This marketing technique always works because most of us are pressured by the new year resolution phase and the post holiday fitness guilt!

In fact many health experts from Australia like Dan Caesar police for instance, have come up with gym hacks for you to make the most of your membership and reach your new year fitness goals without any hassles. Keep reading to find out now!

●      Avoid The Crowds

If you end up joining a corporate gym in the beginning of a year, be prepared to face crowds, especially between 7:00am to 8:30am in the morning and 5:00pm to 7:30 pm in the evening. Your best shot at a comparatively emptier gym is aiming for off hours, in case you are one of those blessed ones with a flexible schedule. 

Many health experts from Australia for example talk about becoming a morning person and reaching the gym a little earlier than 7:00am. This is probably the smartest option available to you – not only this lets you avoid crowds but also gives you the added bonus of using clean showers as well as the advantage of avoiding queues while using any equipment.

●      Invest On Motivation, Not Rationalization

More often than not, people can be heard saying how they make it to the gym every morning because of their financial investment on the membership or personal trainer. Now that is not your motivation – you are not really motivated to go to gym and instead let your brain rationalize the situation for you by relating your membership to the money you invested. This is the fun thing about fitness – if you don’t enjoy it, your body will not respond to all your hard work. 

When you set fitness goals, you must understand how your body works. Also, without patience you have no shot at making your goals a reality.

●      Befriend YouTube

Yes, YouTube has to be your friend, especially if you are a beginner. The first step towards a healthy life is awareness and who can educate you better than YouTube? Moreover, a number of us are easily intimidated as a newcomer in a gym filled with super fit people. Here where your best friend YouTube steps in and sorts things out for you! 

There are so many workout videos and fitness regimes available online for free – fitness regimes that will exclusively cater to your fitness level, style and time. Moreover, you can take your own sweet time when you rely on something as flexible as YouTube!

●      Get Your Own Personal Trainer

A great personal trainer like Dan Caesar is your cheat code in this long journey of being a fit individual especially if you are just starting. Health experts from Australia for instance, will customize workout schedules based on your time and your body’s requirements, making it easier for you to reach your fitness goals.

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